Painting Techniques
Instructor: Eberhard Froehlich
Thursdays 9 am – 12 pm / ongoing
For beginners through advanced students of painting. This practice-based class helps you understand the logic of colour interactions – what works and what doesn’t work in paintings. Each week has a clear theme which is demonstrated and explained in the first half hour of class; afterwards each student is encouraged to explore the theme on their own. Students benefit from seeing each other’s paintings and talking about the process; class critiques are twice per session, in order to share possibilities for how to develop each painting further. Emphasis is on sound painting technique and skills that will last a lifetime. We work from observation and from imagination.
Cost: $248 + tx / 8 weeks
We have a limited number of subsidized spaces for those who need it.
To apply, please fill out this form and send it to [email protected]

Studio Practice
with Catherine Wells & Barry MacPherson
Mondays 1 – 4 pm / drop-in
This is an open class to work at your own pace with instruction and guidance on a project inspired by personal preference. It is a drop-in Studio practice class where we share knowledge, thoughts and support, and a 30 min critique at the end. An instructor will be present to offer individualized feedback. If you are working on something, bring it along, or start afresh at these sessions. Not particular to any style or medium, and the instructors are specialized in painting and drawing. For beginners through advanced students. All welcome. This class is free for our studio members. For information about our studio membership please click here.
3h incl tx cost: $20 / free for studio members

Studio Practice Painting Focused
with John Pohl & Nadia Kühn
Tuesdays 6:30 – 9:30 pm / drop-in
We are offering an open class to work at your own pace with instruction and guidance on a project inspired by personal preference. This is a drop-in studio practice where we share knowledge, thoughts and support and have a critique at the end. Please bring your own materials and spend time with other artists. All are welcome.
3h incl tx cost: $20 / free for studio members

Relief Printing Workshop
Instructor: Kristina Urquhart
An introduction to relief printing materials and processes with lino plates and water based inks. Students will design a plate and learn the skills of cutting, colour mixing, inking, and printing. To attend the Friday workshop, please register until Thursday, 12 noon.
Sign up for a 4h workshop: $48 + tx + $20 materials fee